Saturday, September 6, 2014

The One

The one who will bring back the pieces into one piece.
The one who is care about me all the time.
The one who is love me unconditionally.
The one who is so deeply in love with me.
The one who will try not to break my heart in any way.
The one who knows my insecurities.
The one who will cheer me up during my bad time.
The one who will bring out the best in me.
The one who accept me for who I am.
The one who is telling me that I am beautiful in every way.
The one who will not ashame of me.
The one who will proudly saying I am his.
The one who will make other woman jealous of me for having him in my life.
The one who is never leave me behind.
The one who will try to spend time even though his schedule is pack.
The one who will never stop loving me even though a year has passed.
The one who is willing to bake my favourite dessert.
The one who is appreciate me.
The one who will fight for me and with me in the relationship.
The one who will annoy me every day but never let me sleep at night with tears.
The one who will always give me his back.
The one that will never fail in giving me his attention.
The one who will correct me when I am wrong.
The one who will lead me to the right path.
The one who will keep me on the right track.
The one who will prove me every thing he say is true.
The one who is willing to do my favourite thing with me even though he do not like it.
The one who will love his family and my family.
The one who is responsible and knows his responsibilities.
The one who will ask my hand for marriage.
The one who will prove me that true love does exist.

P/S Dear my future husband,I am here waiting for you patiently. :)

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Monday, July 16, 2012

History of the day

Yesterday,I met my ex boyfriend's ex girlfriends (Syamien and Tricia). Gahh.. We met pun sebab we want to meet la. Bukan sebab nak gaduh ka apa. Bukan sebab nak tambah perang gara2 our past yg dulu pernah gaduh gara2 our silly EX BOYFRIEND. Ya ya.. We pernah couple with the same guy. Haha. What the heck? I know right,it is TOTALLY SUCK la.. Uhh.. We met sebab nak make things get better kan? Like why the heck kami patut bermusuh gara2 this one guy. You know,it is so stupid bah gaduh gara2 lelaki. Maka kami yg perempuan bukan da salah pa2 pun. It just you know la,if your EX still ada dlm kehidupan you with your partner,everything akan jadi x menentu. Tambah2 lagi if your EX boyfriend still want to keep in touch with his EX girlfriend. Eh stupid. =.='

Syamien and Tricia

Three of us met and had story telling. We okay jak.. Laughing and teasing each other. Until la our EX ni kata nak jumpa Tricia. Dia kata apa? Nak spend time dgn this girl la sbb it is her birthday. I was like,"APAKAH? Time aku birthday hari tu,xda pun kata nak spend time ngan aku. Ko ajak kluar mlm adala time ya,tp mcm la aku dpt keluar. Silly." Alasan kau jak ya nak spend time. Wekkk!

Firstly,I sent our birthday girl meet him. But I have to go meet her to give back her phone,tertinggal inside my car. Rasa cam c*bai lah bila tgk muka EX td. Eh. =.=' Then Syamien lgi dtg utk bgtau yg dia x nak tggu dlm kreta. Then awkward things happened la. Three of us meet our ex there. LOL. Terus nervous muka kawan.. Dari muka jernih,berubah jadi merah. Gahh.. Aku dgn rasa x puas hati tnya my ex why he can't be friend with me sedangkan aku dah boleh terima yg both of us can't be together anymore. Mana x aku tertanya2 because he still can be friend with this two girls,but not me. Lagipun a day before he putuskan utk x contact aku lagi (he removed me from FB),we okay2 jak bah.. Dah la few days before tu he said wanna tell  me something because he said,"now I know what it feels like". And he promised to talk about it when we meet. Tapi hampeh.. Takda pun. Meet la sgt.. Kata nak berbual dgn aku sbb dah lama kami x berbual panjang. =.= Cehh... Cehh. Cehh..

I asked him why removed me from FB,he didn't reply me. Then I don't care anymore. Ko buang kedak ya,polah aku rasa cam buang aku dari hidup kau mentah2,ko tauk x? Mun ya pun dah x mok brkawan gik ngan aku,x boleh ka ko pdh bait2. At least EX aku nok sorg gik still ada keberanian jumpa aku face to face madah nya x mok contact gik ngan aku. Tapi kau? Hahaha.. Coward. Since that day la aku assume kau x sanggup tgk aku dpt happy semula lepas kau tinggalkan aku. Cehh.. Ya la polah aku benci kau,ko tauk x? =.=' ~~~~

After met my EX,I met Fizan.. Jumpa la sekejap,dah lama tak jumpa dia kan. And our birthday girl ikut our EX,me and Syamien continue jalan and bring our guy friend,Bobo to join us karaoke. Have fun with them.

Fizan,the manja boy. Pfft! :D

This is Bobo yg tgh syok cari lagu karaoke. Haha.

And this... Syamien with me. :)

Even that time,my EX ada msg me and mrh2 me lam msg. I was like,APAKAH?? Dlm msg brani pulak mok mrh2 aku,tapi time aku ada dpn mata nya,xda pun nya brani bersuara. Gahh~ Lawak eh. Sapa kau nak mrh2 aku? Btw,ko ingat aku mok gilak meh muncul dpn kau? Tapi bagus juak kan aku muncul tek,dpt juak tgk muka ko bila ngga kmk 2 brsama. Bangga x kau tiga2 ex kau jumpa ko skali gus dlm masa yg sama? Pfft!

Dah gik eh.. =.= Yahh.. After karaoke,aku and dua org kwn aku pergi ke G.O.L,duduk sna,lepak2,crita2.. Best la.. Then we went to the Syamien's house,lepak sana pulak and her brother and cousin join us too. Then we went to the nearest kedai makan utk smbung cerita kat sana. Haha. Byk juga cerita ni. :D After that baru la we balik.

History of the day. Btw,sorry my future sis in law,I rosakkan your day sikit. Dah la it's your birthday gik ya. Sorry! Happy 18th birthday anyway. :)

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Terasa sebak di Hari Bapa

Hari Bapa tiba lagi. And hari emo aku pun tiba lagi. Haha!
Bila tiba Hari Bapa ja tahap kesedihan aku meningkat.
Well.. Family aku tak la selengkap and sebahagia family orang lain.
Kalau orang lain ada peluang untuk menyambut Hari Bapa dan mengucap Selamat Hari Bapa kat ayah mereka,tetapi tidak aku. :(
Sejak kecil memang tak pernah aku sambut hari tu and tak pernah sekali pun ada peluang utk ucap "Selamat Hari Bapa" kat orang yang sepatutnya.
So,hidup tanpa orang yang bergelar ayah ni memang payah pada mulanya,tapi bila dah meningkat dewasa ni semuanya jadi perkara biasa,tapi kadang2 hati terusik juga bila teringatkan orang yang bergelar ayah tu. :')
Hati jadi sebak bila mengenangkan apa yang telah aku lalui selama ni.
Whatever lah. Bila dengar kawan2 semua merungut tentang ayah mereka,"Ayah aku garang la,benci gila,nak buat ini tak boleh,itu tak boleh,aku selalu gaduh ngan ayah aku,ayah ini ayah itu.. Blablabla".
Aku senyum ja. Aku selalu bagitau mereka,"Sepatutnya ko bersyukur la kan ada ayah. Tak mcm aku ni.." Bila aku ceritakan tentang aku,mereka terus terdiam. Haha. :'D
Mana2 lah. I'm still grateful because I still have my mum. Even selalu gaduh,tapi tu perkara biasa la.
Gaduh2 lepas tu bertegur balik. Pas tu gaduh balik. Aih? Nang sik pernah habis! :'D

Happy Father's Day,daddy! *wish dalam hati* :')

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